Saturday, September 26, 2009

Vote for Ideas - Say Happy Birthday Google and join my celebrations!

Google celebrated it's 10th Birthday last year and here's its Project10100 'May Those who Help the Most Win', with Ideas to change the world by helping many people as possible. The response was overwhelming as Google quotes on it's Project10100 site as more than 170 countries submitted more than 150,000 Ideas. These ideas range from general Investment suggestions to specific implementation proposals. You can take a note of the 16 Big Ideas that inspires and you can Vote for it. Voting ends on October 8, 2009.

Ideas to Vote

Provide quality education to African students
Make government more transparent
Help social entrepreneurs drive change
Make educational content available online for free
Drive innovation in public transport
Create more efficient landmine removal programs
Build real-time, user-reported news service
Create real-world issue reporting system
Enhance science and engineering education
Create genocide monitoring and alert system
Promote health monitoring and data analysis
Collect and organize the world's urban data
Build better banking tools for everyone
Encourage positive media depictions of engineers and scientists
Work toward socially conscious tax policies

Now, all Ideas are innovative and draws our attention. Don't you think so? Best Ideas still can fit in the category. However, important is How long will the Idea's impact last and how many people would this idea affect? Urgency of the need creates an awareness and if these Ideas have implementation faster, it can let the results be seen.

Google is committing $10 million to implement these projects, and their goal is to help as many people as possible. You can be a part of the Project10tothe100and join the task. Watch the video or just visit their site and Vote for the Best Idea.

Happy Birthday Google - 27th September is a memory. Google opened its doors in September 1998. "The exact date when we celebrate our birthday has moved around over the years, depending on when people feel like having cake." says Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Here is on google info and G Docs I blogged earlier and on its 10th Birthday last year. Many teachers have been using the G docs and the Google sites and I am sure, these features of Google is useful to many as much as it's useful to me. You can click for Kids Blogs and find Story Board of Shril and Aneri leading toGoogle sites.

Well, its time for celebration for me to celebrate MJ Blog Birthday just around Google's Birthday - on 28th September 2009, completing 5 years of web presence. A continuous, endless, thoughtful writing by M J and presenting the Blog on the web.

- ilaxi patel
Newspaper for kids

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