Friday, March 27, 2009

"The Twitter Song" (Do the Twitter Dance) by Chris Thompson

Love Music? Love Twitter? Than here's your chance to FOLLOW ME - and even visit Kidsfreesouls

Watch the Twitter Song and even the Twitter show link here :

Btw, Life is 'Twouble with Twitters' and even 'Trouble without Tweeting' in real life and I even hear children for Reading, writing and rithmetic and Twitter! Educators in Britain are mulling proposed changes to educate children on modern web based application, communication and information. If approved, the applications will be added to school curriculum instead of teaching children on 'Wars'.

Kids will learn 'Twitter' and how to tweet along with phonics, maths, arts and more. Children will learn to write in 140 characters - this means, kids will have option of writing short and sweet instead of the long boring texts! Even, the modern habit of texting messages and web habits would enhance - skill to computing. Twitter is an Interesting choice. However, writing journals may end up with short texts and web based language too.

Check for more in Kidsfreesouls Google News here

- ilaxi patel
Newspaper for Kids

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