In the land of the Mahatma, on the Ashram road, there are about seven bridges among which the Ellis bridge was the first to be constructed way back in the year 1869. But, before that there was the Dandi bridge which was actually not a bridge but an embankment which used to get washed over during heavy rains. As till date, this wooden embankment, which saw history in the making when Mahatma Gandhi walked across and started his famous salt march to the gulf of cambay in the year 1930 is almost neglected.
I hear about the revival of this famous Dandi Bridge. The bridge will now be access to riverfront. A special promenade will link Dandi bridge to the river front. Keeping in mind the aim of the Ashram, every piece of architecture will symbolise peace, tranquillity and encourage introspection.
Well, 12th March is ever been my Dad's birthday and the birthday of Sambhaav too. It's just going back, down the memory lane and thank all the people who inspire us to scale higher in life.
Btw, Gandhiji's Profile on Kidsfreesouls is a highly surfed page and I am sure, teachers and parents will like to bookmark the same and use the information for making Projects. Gandhiji wrote a Constructive Programme Plan in 1941 but times have changed now. In today’s Technology Age, Can one follow the simple basic Gandhian Ideology and if so, to what extent?
Frame your own ‘Student Constructive Plan’ to follow the footprints of the great and find the difference. You can find more Projects here esp. March Project and children can explore Kidsfreesouls while following NIE Tips too.
- ilaxi patel
Editor, http://www.kidsfreesouls.com/
Newspaper for Kids
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